Moving forward with circularity in textile and fashion value chains
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Project Title: Moving forward with circularity in textile and fashion value chains
Acronym: TEX-DAN
Grant Agreement No: DRP0200164
Duration: 30 months
Project Budget: 2,716,892.32 eur
NARA-SK Budget: 217,982.20 eur
TEX-DAN project is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg Danube Regional Programme.
Regional Innovation Agency of Southern Transdanubia – Hungary
JAIP – South Bohemian Agency for Innovation Support – Czech Republic
National Recycling Agency of Slovakia – Slovakia
Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change – Serbia
Institute for Sustainable Development – Slovenia
Reginnova NE Association – Romania
Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments - Croatia
Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Bulgaria
University of Applied Sciences GmbH – Austria
BSC, Business Support Center L. T. D., Kranj – Slovenia
IFKA Nonprofit Public Benefit Association – Hungary
Technical University of Moldova - Moldova
Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation – Hungary
Associated Partners:
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg - Austria
Hrvatska udruga poslodavaca: HUP - Croatia
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Tekstilno- tehnološki fakultet - Croatia
Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est – Romania
Ministarstvo privrede I preduzetništva Republike Srpske
Regional industrial innovation cluster Rimavská kotlina REPRIK - Slovakia
About the Project
The Danube Region is characterised by large differences in the use of circular solutions in the textile and fashion value chains. For example, with regard to handling of textile Germany, Austria and Czech Republic are frontrunners, whereas other countries have a lot to do to catch them up. In many aspects – including circularity – textile and fashion sectors lag behind other sectors.
Furthermore, there is a low awareness of circular solutions throughout the Danube region. Therefore, the TEX-DAN partnership agrees that there is a need for improvement in knowledge, approaches, awareness of innovative technologies, support measures, and policy changes leading to successful integration of circularity in the textile industry. Awareness-raising activities, stakeholder engagement, and education are required.
Project Objective
To adopt technologies in small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance circularity in the textile and fashion industry.
The TEX-DAN project aims to improve local, regional, and national policies promoting circularity. The project aims to stimulate transnational cooperation and knowledge exchange and establish various sustainable forms of transnational cooperation. TEX-DAN demonstrates comprehensive partnership with 14 project partners and 7 strategically affiliated partners. The geographical coverage is broad, including 11 countries from the Danube region and one international association. The partnership (strategically affiliated partners) consists of one regional innovation agency, 6 regional/national development agencies/public bodies, one foundation, 3 higher education institutes, 5 business support organizations, 4 interest groups/NGOs, and one international association. All partners significantly contribute to TEX-DAN's objectives.
The TEX-DAN project aims to improve circularity in the value chain of the textile and fashion industry through transnational cooperation in the Danube region. The main focus is on four areas:
- Bioeconomic clothing
- Circular design
- Circular production processes
- Recycling
An important part of the project is the transfer of knowledge to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which is made possible by the development of awareness-raising measures, training concepts and best practice solutions from Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Local, regional and national political decision-makers receive recommendations for the further development of legal framework conditions.
Specific objectives:
- Improvement of the local, regional and national political framework conditions in the textile and fashion industry in the Danube region
- Improving the acceptance of technologies used in the value chain of the textile and fashion industry
- Establishment of transnational cooperation for the introduction of technologies that enable an increase in circularity
Target Groups:
All levels of authorities
Business support organizations
Enterprise, except SME
General public
Sectoral agency